But history also reveals that the aftershocks of pandemics can linger for far longer than five years. Signs suggest our ...
In the summer of 430 B. C. a plague which later historians took for typhus killed 300 Athenian knights, 45,000 Athenian citizens, 10,000 Athenian freemen. Survivors lost fingers, toes, eyesight ...
The plague spread through the overcrowded city of Athens like wildfire. Sufferers racked with fever and overcome with unquenchable thirst dived into the city's water cisterns, and there would die.
One of the victims of the plague that swept Athens in 430 BC was Pericles himself. According to the historian Thucydides: '...The plague seized Pericles, not with sharp and violent fits ...
A branch of the Athens Regional Library System located in north Athens is often forced to close due to frequent water ...