NSF & the Simons Foundation will jointly fund two new National AI Research Institutes for astronomy. Each institute will ...
Expansion of the universe had already been anticipated by theorists. In the early 1920s, Alexander Friedmann and Georges ...
Astrology and astronomy. These two words sound alike, and some people even use them interchangeably, but they couldn’t be ...
In a paper published in Nature Astronomy, Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer ... Scientists could use them to map the ...
With a special focus on indigenous plants and animals, stars and constellations, and butterflies, an exhibition under the ...
Over 20 events are planned for the annual festival during October half term - meaning there's plenty opportunity to celebrate ...
Bharat’s ancient texts, often labeled as mythology, should not be dismissed as mere folklore. A closer examination reveals ...
Cornell University astronomers studying Jupiter's moon Io say tidal heating may help support life in the oceans of Jupiter's ...
In a collaborative effort aimed at further enriching the capitals public spaces the Department of Municipalities and ...
According to the government, the NGLV will strengthen India’s ability to carry out a variety of space missions, such as human ...
Vidya Jyothi Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe, MBE, MA, PhD, ScD, Hon DSc, Hon DLit The Enlightenment in Europe which started in ...
In Japan, Autumnal Equinox Day is a national holiday. In Japanese, it’s known as Shubun no Hi (秋分の日), according to Coto ...