Now, if Turkey officially applies for BRICS membership, it could become the first NATO country to join the bloc with Russia, ...
At COP29, the stakes for Africa have never been higher — a new finance deal is crucial for the continent’s survival amid ...
Michael Bröning on the UN Pact for the Future, Germany’s role in the negotiations and Russia’s last-minute attempts to ...
Michael Bröning in New York on the UN Pact for the Future, Germany's role in the negotiations and Russia's last-minute ...
A contributor to New Lines Magazine, he has earned a master’s degree in political journalism from Columbia University ...
Economic, Social and Digital Policy at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Brussels. She previously worked at the Brussels representation of the Austrian Chamber of Labour and as an Economist at an ...
Lika Kobeshavidze is a Georgian political writer and analytical journalist, specialising in EU policy and regional security in Europe. She is currently based in Lund, Sweden, pursuing advanced ...
Gregor Fitzi is a sociologist and Senior Lecturer at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). He researches populism and the crisis of normative integration of complex societies.
Konstantin Hadži-Vuković works in the Global and European Policy Department of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. He studied political science and philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
Sussan Tahmasebi is a leading women’s rights advocate and expert from Iran and the Executive Director of FEMENA, an organisation that promotes gender equality and supports women human rights defenders ...