The Avatar franchise is set to expand its captivating universe with Avatar: Fire and Ash, releasing on December 19, 2025.
Oona Chaplin's Varang will be one of the Avatar franchise's first Na'vi villains, but what do viewers know about the Avatar: ...
Fire and Ash concept art has been revealed, and while that highlights Oona Chaplin's Varang and the massive Wind Traders, we ...
James Cameron is gearing up to expand the "Avatar" universe with the upcoming film Avatar: Fire And Ash, set to release on ...
Director James Cameron added some details about “Avatar: Fire and Ash” and also showcased additional images of the movie. It ...
The Avatar 3 release date is December 19, 2025. That's three years after Avatar: The Way of Water, and 16 years after the ...
Cameron makes particular reference to the new character Varang, who will be played by Oona Chaplin in Avatar: Fire and Ash.
James Cameron has shared some new details about the upcoming Avatar 3, and it seems like it won't be what you're expecting.
Some new concept art has surfaced for James Cameron ’s upcoming film Avatar: Fire and Ash , and it features Ash Clan of the ...
Avatar: Fire and Ash will be the first project in the series not expected to bring groundbreaking new visuals, but it's got ...