But it’s not what you might have pictured from the movies… Voodoo plays a vibrant role in New Orleans culture. Modern practices and rituals focus more on connecting practitioners to ancestors ...
Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is the last day of a three-day festival (some believe longer) known as Carnival, characterized by plenty of celebration and indulgence. It precedes Lent, the Christian ...
Voodoo is experiencing something of a renaissance in New Orleans. We meet voodoo priestess Manbo Jessyka and high priestess Eshé who introduce us to the practice as a way of life, and as a means ...
Often referred to as the most haunted city in America, New Orleans is filled with stories of ghosts, Voodoo, magic, pirates, vampires and more. There's no better way to learn about the city's ...
[View & Book Tickets.] Free Tours by Foot – Voodoo Tour Voodoo plays an integral role in New Orleans legends and culture, and this tour highlights that aspect of the city. Free Tours by Foot's 1 ...