On January 7, 1915, an English soldier on the frontline wrote home to his ... one of whom had a box of Tom Smith’s Christmas crackers sent out, which we cracked, and it added to the fun immensely.
What the British call "savoury biscuits." When they say "cracker," in the U.K., they're referring to a "Christmas cracker." This is a small cardboard tube, festively wrapped like a bonbon.
Christmas crackers are an essential part of the British Christmas. They were invented by Englishman Tom Smith. Tom started work at a baker's and confectioner's in London in 1830, but soon had his ...
That same year, London confectioner Tom Smith invented a quintessential British Christmas accessory, the Christmas cracker; a twist of paper containing a tiny toy threaded with an explosive ...
Christmas crackers are an essential part of the British Christmas. They were invented by Englishman Tom Smith. Tom started work at a baker's and confectioner's in London in 1830, but soon had his ...