Although court records indicate she was convicted of the DUI offense ... her conduct constituted a refusal to consent to chemical testing under the Implied Consent law.” In an opinion written ...
Implied consent laws state that a driver consents to ... Other states allow the arresting officer to choose the option to administer to a DUI suspect. In such states, refusing to take the test ...
Implied consent laws ensure refusal is not a loophole for impaired ... one must consider the larger impact and seek a qualified legal professional to sort out the intricacies of DUI laws.
Doing both of these tests is standard, she said. Friese expressed that, because Bell was not charged with a DUI, the state's implied consent law does not apply. There are extra protections for the ...
Friese argued the following: Because Bell was not charged with DUI, he was not subject to the state's implied consent law, which requires motorists to submit to screenings to determine if they ...