The state’s water supply faces numerous threats. And by one estimate, the state’s municipal supply will not meet demand by ...
The well, wide enough to fall into, taps into the Ogallala aquifer, the immense underground freshwater basin that makes modern life possible in the dry states of Middle America. We have come to ...
The subterranean aquifer takes in mass amounts of snowmelt and rainwater, where it percolates for seven to 10 years before fueling many of Oregon’s most famous rivers through gushing springs.
Some environmental groups are concerned that our drinking water could be contaminated. The Mahomet Aquifer is the prime source of drinking water in central Illinois. Some groups are worried that ...
After years of drought, Provo has been trying to figure out how to make sure their water supply is stable—and this week, they ...
This federal incentive on carbon sequestration encourages companies to use carbon capture and sequestration techniques to ...
Elk Valley Aquifer in Grand Forks County, Spiritwood-Warwick Aquifer in Benson and Pierce Counties, and Wahpeton Buried ...
State regulators have fined a Comal County property owner $16,000 for starting construction within the Edwards Aquifer’s recharge zone without a mandatory environmental protection permit.
Seeking collaboration on solutions to conserve and extend the lifespan of vital water resources in the High Plains, the third Ogallala Aquifer Summit brought politicians and stakeholders from ...