In Troy: Fall of a City, we sometimes mix older and later in the same way, as Homer did, but the primary inspiration is the Late Bronze Age. Despite the world changing rapidly, in Greece and ...
The soldiers fight their way up the beach but cannot get inside the city walls ... to breach Troy's defences. Then the Greeks fall to fighting among themselves: Agamemnon and Achilles fall ...
Based loosely on Homers ancient Greek epic poem 'Iliad', Troy: Fall of a City tells the story of the 10 year siege of the ancient city of Troy by the Greeks, after Paris, the young prince of Troy ...
The ancient city of Troy was located along the northwest coast ... Combatants on both sides, including Achilles, Odysseus, Ajax, Agamemnon, Hector, and Aeneas remain household names even today.
The greatest of all Greece’s warriors, Achilles, leads his band of mythical soldiers known as Myrmidons directly into the heart of the city, only to fall in battle against Paris of Troy.