Kevin Smith is finally getting his shot at writing Amazing Spider-Man , just over two decades later than originally planned.
Roger Ebert was one of the most prominent voices in the movie industry for decades. A film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times, ...
Sam Raimi directed three highly successful and influential Spider-Man movies. Which of these is the best, and which is the ...
The Amazing Spider-Man movies had moments, but they were sometimes few and far between, leading to another Spider-Man series ...
Marvel Comics has shared a first look inside Godzilla vs. Spider-Man #1, and it sees the web-slinger (wearing his alien ...
A new character who it is claimed will forever change Marvel Comics will make their premiere in Giant-Size Spider-Man #1.
A rumor about the main villain in Marvel's Spider-Man 4 has fans speculating that Black Cat will be featured in the film.
Hot on the heels of the news that Kevin Smith is writing a crossover between Jay and Silent Bob and Archie Comics, the writer ...
This summer, a new Amazing Spider-Man special will herald Kevin Smith's return to Marvel Comics and a team-up with the ...