Nothing was to remain of the old order of the world. As the use and making of the hat came to an end, all traditional knowledge and symbolism related to it disappeared. Today 58 of these hats remain ...
In October 2024, the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (UNCESCR) issued a landmark decision ...
A new report from Amnesty International says “green colonialism” — the appropriation of land and resources for environmental purposes — threatens indigenous Sámi culture in Sweden ...
And this despite the fact that the region is part of the homeland of the Sami - an Indigenous people and culture that has nothing to do with the Inuit way of life thousands of kilometres away.
Outside, snowsuit-clad children run and play in the snow. The grounds are dominated by the school’s lavvu, a traditional Sami shelter. Inside, reindeer skins line the ground around an open fire.