patients with a non/minimal displaced distal radius fracture (dorsal angulation <15°, volar tilt <20°, radial inclination >15°, ulnar positive variance <5 mm and an articular step off <2 mm).
After a FOOSH injury, either or without a wrist fracture, pain that is ... causes over 2 mm widening of the radial ulnar joint (the joint between the radius and the ulna). On the lateral x-ray ...
A Colles fracture, also known as a distal radial fracture, occurs at the end of a forearm bone known as the radius. The radius is the larger of the two bones of the forearm situated on the inside ...
He sustained fractures in his forearm, including the radius and ulna bones of his right arm and bruises on his left knee and left shoulder. In addition, stitches were applied to a cut on his right ...
Wild birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and it is an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take them except under licence. | ITV News Meridian ...