Breeder pigs must be housed in pens large enough ... A strength of the verification process is that Humane Farm Animal Care inspectors have advanced degrees in animal science.
Confining pigs to small spaces is harmful to animals, leads to less nutritious pork products and damages the environment in ...
Case Name: Farm Sanctuary v. Perdue Nature of Case: The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the Western District of New York, asked the court to order the FSIS to investigate and report on ...
Under American Humane standards ... While outdoor access is not required, the farms do have to provide the pigs with materials, such as straw or wood chips, to engage in their natural rooting ...
Every hour, some 1,000,000 chickens, 14,000 pigs, and 4,000 cows are slaughtered ... at slaughter in the United States, see Humane Slaughter Update: Federal and State Oversight of the Welfare of Farm ...