The epic manga/anime franchise Berserk is home to many iconic seinen phenomena and moments, from the medieval warfare of the Golden Age story arc to the brutal betrayal of the Band of the Hawk, all ...
The next Ichigo Kurosaki SH Figuarts figure will include an effect part for the Bleach character's Getsugatensho attack.
So, just how is Ichigo Kurosaki related to Kaien Shiba ... When a possessed Kaien lunged at Rukia, her upheld sword impaled him, killing him, a moment which severely traumatized her.
"Bleach" stars Ichigo Kurosaki, a Japanese teen living in the ... Injured in a battle, Rukia passes her powers ("Zanpakutō," manifested as a sword) to Ichigo. While Rukia recovers, Ichigo takes ...
Bandai Namco showcases gameplay with an exciting sneak peek at upcoming combat mechanics, game modes, powerful characters, and cinematic battles.