Was the Trojan Horse really a huge statue of a horse, or was it something else entirely? Researchers have differing ideas and ...
The story of the Trojan Horse is quite well-known, and the very first mention of it was in Homer’s Odyssey. It describes how the ancient Greeks infiltrated the city of Troy by concealing ...
The ancient city of Troy is identified as the archaeological site at Hisarlik. But how do we really know that it was there?
They left the horse on the beach and sailed away during ... Was there really a city called Troy? Did Homer base his poems on true events, the details of which had been passed down to him by ...
In Troy: Fall of a City, we sometimes mix older and later in ... The ploy of the Trojan Horse can be understood this way, perhaps misunderstood, perhaps playfully re-invented, as well as simply ...
They left the horse on the beach and sailed away during ... Was there really a city called Troy? Did Homer base his poems on true events, the details of which had been passed down to him by ...