Including the land, construction and amenities, the 42-unit complex cost $39.2 million, according to Jamboree Housing.
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
An affordable housing community for older adults had its grand opening in Carlsbad. A fully-furnished apartment that Joseph and Connie Kistela are grateful to call home.
The 174-unit complex sits between Grandview and the Arena District. A Columbus apartment complex has a new owner. 600 Goodale ...
Terra Investments and SRM Associates want to replace a three-story office building with an apartment building near UC ...
Southern California home prices ticked up in February, the first increase in seven months. The average home price in the ...
A 200-unit apartment project is slated to replace an office building in downtown Berkeley. Developer 4Terra Investments ...
Building upon an existing state law, new IB renter's protections detail specific renovations to a unit that could be safely ...
Also, the moves to change the building code follow the enactment in California last year of AB 835, which directs the State ...
The California Apartment Association, which represents landlords ... Of the 166,463 eviction notices filed in the city of Los Angeles between February 2023 and mid-November 2024, for example, 94% were ...