The park also hosts numerous military monuments and effigies of Aztec kings ... Considered the cultural center of Mexico City, the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) is a must-visit.
Mexico City is a sprawling ... square since Aztec times. Today it hosts many of the country's cultural celebrations. East of the Zócalo is the Palacio Nacional (National Palace), Mexico's main ...
Mexico City is an exciting combination of Aztec, colonial and modern art and ... The Presidential Palace, with its famous Diego Rivera murals, and the Metropolitan Cathedral flank two sides ...
Nestled in the heart of Mexico City, the presidential ... it is built upon the former palace of Indigenous Emperor Moctezuma. Ironically, Moctezuma's ancient Aztec culture honored not cats ...
As you stand in the Zócalo, the main square of Mexico City ... site of the demolished palace of Moctezuma. Along the street you can see the ruins of what was once the Aztec temple, and the ...