If you end up having to make a call using SOS, your iPhone can communicate your medical ID to rescuers, and even alert your emergency contacts via text message, if you want it to. If you’re in ...
It then sends this information in a highly compressed text message along with your saved medical ID and current location to a dedicated Apple relay ... under the Emergency SOS menu in Settings.
There’s really no way to deactivate Emergency SOS on an iPhone. That said, you can make it so that nothing triggers it. Note that even with all these settings changes, you can still launch ...
The Apple emergency texting looks a lot like Globalstar ... in not requiring a complex ground station for low-bandwidth text messages. We expect that there will be some form of exclusivity ...
From the introduction of the iPhone 14 range onwards, Apple began including satellite connectivity tech in its handsets under the flashily-named feature Emergency SOS ... there’s a limited character ...
A student in Delaware was saved from carbon monoxide poisoning thanks to a last-minute use of Emergency SOS on her Apple Watch. Thanks to iPhone 14 and Emergency SOS via Satellite, rescuers saved ...
Ski patrollers reached the reporting party and took over patient care. The injured individual was transported to the Mt. Bachelor Clinic, where he later succumbed to his injuries. The deceased was ...
In the wake of Monday's tragic death of a Seattle man who fell into a deep tree well while skiing at Mt. Bachelor, the resort ...
When Apple announced that Emergency SOS via satellite was coming to the ... so you can both send and receive messages, plus there's an emergency SOS aspect wrapped into the platform too.