To me, Achilles was the easiest to build up skills throughout a run. His attacks required less skill of pathing correctly and timing attacks to land a hit on creeps. Survivors like Hector and ...
It’s a Greek epic poem which discusses the last final weeks of the Trojan War and the main characters of this text are ...
Patroclus returns to the battle wearing Achilles' armour and is slain by Hector. When Achilles finds out he is determined to be avenged. Patroclus returns to the battle wearing Achilles's armour ...
An Old Soldier remembers the ten-year war at Troy and the events which led up to it: Paris, Helen, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Priam, Achilles, Patroclus, Hector, Cassandra, Odysseus…and the wooden horse.