Combatants on both sides, including Achilles, Odysseus ... that were concealed within the belly of the horse stealthily descended, and opened Troy’s gates to the returning armada of Greek ...
It turns out Achilles isn't immortal after ... that they will build an enormous wooden horse which they will place outside the gates of Troy as 'a leaving present', while the whole Greek army ...
Achilles, Patroclus, Hector, Cassandra, Odysseus…and the wooden horse. Menelaus discovers Helen has eloped with Paris and issues an ultimatum to Troy: return her or face war. Episode 3.
The King of Ithica, Odysseus, was one of the few Achilles respected and who could speak truth to the demigod's power. Troy's ending saw the sack of the city of Troy via the Greeks' Trojan horse ...
Combatants on both sides, including Achilles, Odysseus ... that were concealed within the belly of the horse stealthily descended, and opened Troy’s gates to the returning armada of Greek ...