Power beaming could allow an orbiting space-based power station to deliver one gigawatt of solar power, enough to power about ...
The gray sphere is about the size of a bowling ball. It's full of sensors and will allow more electricity to run through the ...
Advanced transmission technologies could sidestep permitting challenges and clear the bottleneck holding up hundreds of ...
By integrating the Iridium Certus 9704 IoT module, Heimdall Power's Neuron sensors can reliably send critical electric power ...
Electric power transmission lines in Chino (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG) “This sharp increase in electricity rates is not mainly due to the cost of energy ...
The Kentucky Attorney General and Public Service Commission filed a complaint with a federal regulatory panel over the issue.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources on Thursday will host a meeting to collect feedback from the public about construction of a new electrical transmission line that could go through ...
The complaint accuses the company of unfairly forcing Kentuckians to subsidize utility construction in other states.