Physicists report the first observations of quantum entanglement in quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles, inside ...
CERN has been an epicenter of scientific breakthroughs since 1954, including the discovery of the Higgs boson. Scientists ...
The laboratory will acquire unique expertise useful to the HL-LHC experiments, future projects and other accelerators around ...
CERN has been an epicentre of scientific breakthoughs for 70 years. Scientists hope to resolve yet moe mysteries of the ...
Scientists at CERN have discovered an ultra-rare particle decay process, opening a new path to find physics beyond our ...
That’s a staggeringly rare event. As such, it took physicists an extremely long time to see it in action. But the Standard ...
The laboratory has ended its agreement with the nation, but will continue working with a Russian nuclear-research institute, ...
The researchers will lose their access to CERN, which operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, by ...
Denoted by K+→π+νν, this decay is among the rarest particle processes ever observed: in the Standard Model of particle ...
With the existing international cooperation agreements now lapsing, the Geneva-based organization is expected to expel hundreds of scientists on November 30 affiliated with Russian institutions, ...
CERN is turning 70 this month. A good occasion to look at their plans for building a particle collider even bigger than the Large Hadron Colider, the ...
The CMS experiment at CERN is the latest to weigh in on the mass of the W boson—an elementary particle that, along with the Z ...